The 6 reasons why sales training is an essential investment

The 6 reasons why sales training is an essential investment

In today’s competitive world, it is necessary to stay one step ahead of the competitors. One powerful tool that can make an organization stand out is by having a sound and successful sales team. Investing in sales training programs can earn more returns in the way of closing more sales deals.  With the advancements in…

Why is prospecting so important in the sales cycle

Why is prospecting so important in the sales cycle

Sales Prospecting: Everything you need to know  You cannot close deals if you don’t have prospects. You cannot have prospects if you don’t prospect.  Prospecting is very important in the sales cycle that is many times ignored by multiple sales people. This is because of the rejections that come along with prospecting. The phones don’t…

Inside sales manager challenges and how to overcome those

Inside sales manager challenges and how to overcome those

Motivating the sales reps Sales is one of the loneliest and frustrating jobs for many people because of constant rejection. Many a times, we have felt that we are not in control of the selling situation. This is because of the unmanageable element in this case – Prospects Mind. We have seen that we have…

How to get maximum members of your sales teams to perform

How to get maximum members of your sales teams to perform

Have constant review mechanism As you will have pockets of excellence and slumps spread across multiple people in your teams, you will need to have a constant review mechanism. You can quickly spot the trends and can step in to get some consistency across multiple team members. Find out their needs and train them accordingly…

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Middle of the Funnel…

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Middle of the Funnel…

Once a lead is generated, the team jumps in excited that an opportunity has been found and begins servicing the buyer. All leads are not equal and it is important that these leads are filtered and decisions are taken on which one of the leads generated is worth the organizations time. There are many potential…

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Top of the Funnel

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Top of the Funnel

No leads… mean No Sales – Prospecting should be an integral part of a sales persons day. This module will talk about the various aspects of prospecting, which is connecting the sales person with the potential buyers who are not aware of the products or services and educating them on how the sales person can…