Negotiation Skills

Negotiation Skills

You have worked so hard in the sales process right from the initial meeting until this stage. The buyer has confessed what they want and you have also ideated multiple solutions. The buyer is convinced that you are a capable organization that can solve their problems. They have asked you to submit a proposal and…

Presentation to Multiple Buyers – Inside Sales Training

The first stage in the Bottom of the Funnel is Presentation… How to be contextual to multiple buyers within the same organization while presenting generically about your company, about your solution or about your proposal. Till now, you have been speaking generically with your initial point of contact. You have spoken about what sort of…

Competition Analysis…

With the drivers to start a business being very low these days in the tech industry, there is competition (At least wannabes claiming to be a great company) in every industry. All websites look alike and all salespeople without exception say that their company is the best-suited one to solve the buyer’s problem. No salesperson…

Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis

What is Needs Analysis? As a salesperson, we always take pride in giving solutions. However, many times, we have looked at giving solutions from one way – our way. This is because we are under immense pressure to sell. In those situations, we also make a lot of assumptions. We catch a few words of what the…

Qualifying Buyers

Qualifying Buyers

What is Qualifying a Buyer? As a salesperson, you end up meeting and interacting (Emails, Phone Calls, Social Media, Face to face meetings) with multiple buyers on a constant basis. This forms a part of the Prospecting stage of the sales process.  The outcome of the meeting will range from the buyers showing a cold…

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Middle of the Funnel…

Inside Sales Training Agenda – Middle of the Funnel…

Once a lead is generated, the team jumps in excited that an opportunity has been found and begins servicing the buyer. All leads are not equal and it is important that these leads are filtered and decisions are taken on which one of the leads generated is worth the organizations time. There are many potential…